Rex’s Art Portfolio 23’

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The ‘Golden Girls’

The exact origin of these deified titans is unknown, as no record of a time without their presence exists. Some cite them as ancient oracles that ushered in new ages of advancement, others claim relic knowledge describes them as sentinels evolved to protect the corners of the world. Hailed as pillars of the planet, our current society has been built upon them, and thus modeled around them. Colloquially known as the “Golden Girls” their influence is all-encompassing here; from modern fashion and poise to law and order, even countercultures and uprising in their names.

Stories flourish, imaginations wander, claims and theories swirl rampant around these prophet-like figures. Irregardless of all, unquestionably they lay as foundation to everything we know and stand watch over all that will come.


"Life is a very beautiful dream, he thought. I'm so glad I chose not to wake up from it just yet."



We are the One, divided into the many, for the joy of becoming One again.


‘Leap of Faith’

Life is a gamble with no sureties that requires each successful participant to take that leap of faith.
A leap of faith embodies imagination, courage, and will power. Vision and faith are a prerequisite.



This piece represents the tranquility that is present when the masculine and feminine forces join in harmony. We all have these inherent energies within our human experience. Balance in duality is where we find our paradise.
This is the Yin and Yang.


‘Way of the Heart’

"Para mi solo recorrer los caminos que tienen corazon, cualquier camino que tenga corazon. Por ahi yo recorro, y la unica prueba que vale es atravesar todo su largo." (For me there is only traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length.) -Don Juan Inspired by Wim Hof



I know who I am.

-I am of Divinity.

I know what I am.

-I am Divinity manifested into form.

I know how I serve.

-I reclaim all that I see as Divine, raising the vibration of everything around me to manifest my Heaven on Earth.


‘Bridging the Infinite’

The medulla oblongata is the structure at the back of the neck, where the skull meets the spine.
Commonly referred to as the "Mouth of God", the medulla is regarded as the principle point of entry of life force (prana).
Its function is to receive and direct the incoming flow of this cosmic energy. It is essential for regulating our cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The prana enriched breath flows through the medulla, keeping our spirit bound to this temporal form we have chosen to take.
Here is my attempt at recreating the bridge to the infinite.


‘Dreams 00’

Introducing a new series I'm doing, "Dreams." This series will attempt to recall those fleeting memories of what is experienced during a stage of deep sleep while the whole brain is active during the dreaming state.

Least active are some parts of the frontal lobes, and this may explain why we can be so uncritical during dreams, accepting the crazy or out of place events and circumstances as though they are real.

With Tesla announcing this summer of 2021 that their new AI robot is coming out, I questioned what an AI would experience during their deep dream state. What would be a glimpse into a paradise that they would escape to?



Transcending the pull from darkness to light.


‘Digital Diffusion’

Bitcoin tribute.
The talented Flintwick on sound design🔊



"Grace is not part of consciousness; it is the amount of light in our souls, not knowledge nor reason."

In this piece I attempted to capture the essence of grace with its inherent beauty and peace.

Made as a tribute to Wakaan in Cinema 4D and Octane.



With this piece coming together towards the end, I started to notice the similarities of the Om symbol I had created and the oasis underneath it within the desert scene. "An oasis serves as a refuge, relief, or pleasant change from what is annoying, difficult, etc." The underlying Om also serves as an oasis inside of ourselves. When we need an escape from the turbulence of life, we always have that peaceful oasis to escape to and connect with the Cause to our world of effects. This is my first 3D animation I made in August of 2020. I have recently gone back and done some touch ups to revamp it. Sculpted in Zbrush, animated in Cinema 4D.
Music: 'All Gold' by Red Giant Project


‘Crypto Carousel’

Welcome to the Crypto Carousel! This is the ride of all rides. Some say this bullish ride has no end. Some also say that if you stay on it long enough you will be taken to the moon! Ride at your own discretion.



I made this piece as a tribute to Ethereum as its uses continue to find new ways to be a catalyst of freedom for the individual. The digital art scene has completely changed recently and we are seeing new uses coming out daily that will continue to shift our paradigm of normalcy. Ethereum continues to push past new all time highs, breaking $2,000/coin this past week (2/19/21). It still feels like we are just getting started...


‘Amnesiac Sanctitude’

This piece is an attempt to capture fleeting visions of an intricate chandelier that always has a different twist for me. The halos on the models represent the divinity in each person that has succumbed to their amnesic human qualities and limitations.
Music by Kamandi



This piece represents the feminine on a spiritual or energetic level. The feminine energy is the intuitive, nurturing, creative, and a passive force that is imperative for balance.

This energy can see the possibilities that are invisible to the structured, masculine energy. She can create opportunities that defy logic and have been previously thought impossible.

This is the Yin.



This piece represents the masculine on a spiritual or energetic level. The masculine energy is assertive, direct, and action-oriented. It likes to create structures and rules, so it knows how to apply logic correctly. This is an aspect of being that is required for our balance.

This is the Yang.